Best Instagram Places in Harz Mountains

This blog post was originally shared January of 2015:
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Only a short train or car ride away from Berlin lies the majestic Harz Mountains. I joined fellow Instagrammers (@IAMARUX, @MUENCHMAX, @SANDRA.MODE, @BRAINYARTIST, @KEROLIZWAN, @PAMUKAK) for a weekend getaway exploring these German mountains on an Instawalk. 

As a guy who grew up in Texas and lived in New York for four years, I have only seen snow a handful of times in urban settings. Visiting Harz Mountains was my first time to experience so much snow and such cold temperatures in the wild. My friends and I stayed in a nice hostel centrally located in Goslar, the closest town to Harz Mountains. An ideal location for us to wake up early the two days we were there to first explore some local spots @IAMRUX knew we’d enjoy exploring, and then the second day we made our way up to the highest mountain peak, Brocken. An experience that went 3,744 ft high at below freezing temperatures for an estimated five hours. 

There were many photos taken in-between keeping my hands from freezing. I hope you enjoy this photo tour from my trip the the Harz Mountains here in Germany. 

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Road less traveled with @MUENCHMAX

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Snow in every direction

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Instagrammers in the wild

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Living on the edge for Instagram

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Worth every freezing moment

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On day two, the sun made a surprise appearance

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Glistening sun amongst the cold lake

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Instammers doing what they do best, taking photos

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I couldn’t get enough of the sun, I had not seen it in weeks in Berlin

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Half way point on way up to Brocken Mountain summit

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Layers from snow to green

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Once we hit a certain elevation the snow was gone and clouds rolled in

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So many people making their way up to the top

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Nature in the form of art

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Some moments felt like an arctic tundra

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Fog can be so mysterious

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So much to see, such little warmth.

Incase you’d like to see more of Harz, you can check out the hashtag: ExploreHarz on Instagram. Enjoy nature enthusiast!