The Roman Guy Privileged Vatican Access

This blog post was originally shared fall of 2014:
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We all know the Vatican to have infamous mile long lines before the doors even open. Lucky I joined THE ROMAN GUY on their privileged entrance tour that brings their guests in an hour before general public and takes you straight to what we all wanna see, the Sistine Chapel.

During my Vatican Roman Guy experience, my tour guide was an extremely knowledgeable native Roman who spoke prefect english. She had an iPad to help give my tour background on the Vatican, and so we understood what we were about to see once we made it inside the Sistine Chapel. Our meeting time was at 7:45am to make our way in promptly at 8am. A real perk made by THE ROMAN GUY because the company is a Vatican City accredited operator. Once we passed security, we made our way quickly through the main museum that was next to empty! Another perk, GREAT FOR PHOTOS. The tour guide briefly explained certain pieces before we made it to the Sistine Chapel where no one is able to talk, but my guide made sure we knew the history before giving us a lengthy twenty minutes inside an almost empty Sistine Chapel. 

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Afterwards we made our way back through the main museum to get a more in depth description of highlighted rooms that were then full with the general public. It was pretty cool to see the contrast in the museum empty and then completely full with tourist.

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Once we made our way through the museum, our last stop was St. Peter’s Basilica. By far the most stunning piece of architecture I have seen! Can you believe all this within 3 hours? Incase your legs aren’t too tired, I highly recommend going a few hundred steps up to the top of St Peter’s Basilica for one of the best views of Rome.

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And incase you’re hungry after viewing the Vatican, check out EATING ITALY’S delicious food tour in Rome. 😉

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