Keeping Warm during Berlin Winter

As a south Texas native, I get cold rather easy and experiencing my first Berlin winter back in 2014 (gosh so long ago already). I was not ready for the cold that Berlin goes through, it is similar to New York, but for some reason felt colder to me. This time around during my last week of my month long trip to Europe I decided to spend it enjoying Berlin’s fine chilly weather. In theory, when I first booked my flights to Europe I thought it would be fun to party in Berlin during the weekends and travel during the week for a month. Sure yes, if I was 23 or even younger I would have the energy. Now at a semi-seasoned age of 26, by week two of my travels, I was ready to head home to NYC. On one hand, I missed my husband dearly (we had only been apart for two weeks at most prior) and second I was exhausted from flights, subway, walking and everything else that goes into jet-setting lifestyle. Not to forget I was going to Berghain every weekend for marathon parties. 

Looking back at this last week in Berlin, I am happy to have had leisure time to capture these images and catch up with friends. Now that it’s been 2 years since I used to live there. I can full-heartedly say Berlin is not my city to call home, but will always be a city I enjoy visiting for the memories of my #youth. A wild year that will never be lived again or forgotten. 

Now back to how I kept warm or sort of lack thereof keeping warm.
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So yes, there are many ways I use to keep warm during Berlin’s winter, but all the coats don’t exactly photograph well or are the most colorful. For this post, I did take off my jacket and beanie to quickly capture what looks like I’m not freezing at this moment. Though the key is to have layers on underneath that keep the heat from releasing. Think of Uniqlo heat tech technology.Thumb freddy rodriguez berlin metro station
To be honest, this outfit is purely for fun. Not. Warm. At. All. But, I learned this pose is called “gopnik squat” usually done by certain type of Russians. My friend Alina who I met up with to take all of the pictures in this post enlightened me. 
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Then there is the fashionable way of wearing one jacket three ways. I did this collaboration with Kenneth Cole while I was in Berlin to show how to mix and match a few of their pieces from latest Macy’s collaboration. To be honest, on this day the weather was gray as always but wasn’t as cold as usually is. I would for sure recommend always wearing a thick sweater over under layers and a beanie. Always important to keep as much heat from being released.
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Another part to always think about when keeping warm is your feet. Don’t forget to wear thick socks. I was wearing a warm thick pair when photographing these Kenneth Cole photos. They were important mostly because I was changing outside in-between locations. That is something else lovely about Berlin, nobody really cares or looks if I’m naked changing.
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The last tip I can fully recommend to stay warm during Berlin’s winters. Stay inside and enjoy one of the many clubs! To be honest there is no way to fully enjoy being outside when it’s gray, cold and wet 2/3 of winter. Yet, when you’re inside one of the many huge clubs that are pretty much adult playgrounds. You are then completely warm and all of the outside elements are a world away. 

Until my next trip to Berlin which will be during summer 2018 when I finally get to bring my hubby along. I will leave you all with this post. A piece of nostalgia for me and some hopefully helpful tips for you.

If you’re going to Berlin and have any questions. I’d be happy to help! 

As always, I’d love to see your thoughts in comments below.