Long past due greetings!

Hi, hola, halo, how have you been? Girl, it has been a very long time since I last did a proper blog post update just for the fun of writing a blog post to share a life update. Thinking back to when I started Blue Perk in 2011 between my freshman and sophomore year in college at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. Little did I know in 2011, that starting my blog on tumblr would change my entire life. Fast forward to 2024, and thanks to social media, I’ve traveled the entire world sharing my experiences, worked with countless satisfied clients over the past 13 years (wow…. 13 years… that number is eye opening), and I am now I’m at the cusp of wondering what is next? At my current age of 32, I have been sharing my life for the past 13 years. I’ve adapted to the ever-changing social media landscape. I’ve enjoyed going to countless events, traveled on behalf of tourism boards, and met so many talented people. Yet I have noticed the social media industry has changed a lot over the past 3 years since the pandemic in 2020. TikTok and Gen Z have taken over the social media landscape. Budgets haven’t changed but the amount of creators competing for the same budget has gotten saturated. Going to events now, I see myself in the eyes of the new young 20-something creators. It’s all so fresh, new, and exciting to them. This new crop of social media creators gives energy like they created the internet. Bless their hearts. They are extremely fortunate to have all grown up with examples of how to create a social media career. Plus adding in TikTok and Instagram competing with video content, the winners have been the new group of creators. As I write this, I find myself repeating. Where do I fit in? 
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Looking back at my archive of content on tumblr has me reminiscing about what feels like a time in life I truly can’t believe I lived through. New York City and social media changed my entire life. Without the two, I have no clue where in life I would be. This small-town Texas boy had dreams for so much from life. Originally I wanted to be an editor at Vogue or Harper’s Bazaar, but social media had a way of alluring me to be my own boss and follow a path that allowed me to travel. Ever since a little kid, travel has always been a passion of mine. To see the world, experience different cultures like a local, and live a fulfilled life that was completely different from the mundane simple life I grew up living in south Texas. Social media offered me the freedom to travel while making an income, monetize where I was traveling, and work with travel/ hospitality clients while traveling. 2013 – 2019 were some of the most fun years of traveling, creating, and sharing along the way. From small-town Texas to NYC to Berlin and a few stops in between on my way to my current home in Los Angeles, I see myself at a pivoting point. Where I love what I do, I love the life the universe has graced me with, and I am ready for more.
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Social media isn’t going away. Period. As I feel my wave coming to a pivotal break. I am writing this blog post to spark back up my writing creativity. At the core of my brand, Fred Rodriguez, the real brand behind Blue Perk. I love to write, I love to share, and I love to express myself to others who may resonate. I’m still the insecure shy little gay kid from south Texas who escaped to NYC to discover himself and be accepted as a proud open homosexual. Yes, during early 2010, society was still slightly homophobic on the internet (and in person). To be loud and proud 365 days a year is a passion that lives on with me to this day. Luckily thanks to social media, I have been able to find my chosen family in NYC, Berlin, LA, and many other cities across the globe.  
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Going forward, weekly, I am planning to share blog post updates with various topics from fashion, travel, food, and fitness, and sometimes it may just be my random thoughts I have like this post. I want to bring Blue Perk back to life as a place for all who want to grow from other’s experiences, a place to find travel inspiration, a place to find outfit inspiration, a place to find inspiration in yourself that you too no matter where you’re from or at in life you too can achieve your brightest dreams. 
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I’m not sure where this new chapter fits into the new landscape of social media. Yet, I hope you all will enjoy this continuation of, Blue Perk, as a more personal lifestyle blog written by me, Fred Rodriguez Jr.