What is a Shorty Award?

Before I go any further, thank you (yes, you reading this post) for helping me be nominated for the Lifestyle category to win a Shorty Award. Next steps to help me win is to vote once a day on Shorty Awards website. It only takes a couple of seconds of your day. Bonus points are if you share with your friends on Twitter or Facebook. I’ll even retweet you!
Thumb freddy rodriguez shorty award nomination
Now back to what a Shorty Award is, as found on their website: “The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media by recognizing the influencers, brands, and organizations on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Musically and more.” Some of the winners are (just to name a few): Taylor Swift, Tyler Oakley, J.K. Rowling, and Adele. Hello! I am super honored to even be alongside such former winners! Though to even better help give you an idea what a Shorty Award is, check out this video or head to their website

To be honest, I am still shocked I was even nominated! As my bio says slightly exaggerating how long I’ve been blogging, “starting it just over a decade ago.” I have been blogging since I was a freshman in college at F.I.T. which is going on 6 years ago. The blogging industry has changed so much and with that so has my life. I’ve really taken the road less traveled in discovering how to make social media fit into my life, from sharing all of my travels and now my current marriage. If it wasn’t for blogging and Instagram, this award wouldn’t even exist. I still remember being the young hungry kid from south Texas who had only left the country once and knew no one upon moving to New York City. Telling myself then, that I’d be doing what I am now could only be a dream come true. Thank you all for following along! I really do appreciate every vote you make between now and February 22!