10 Best Instagram Location in Istanbul, Turkey

This blog post was originally shared January of 2015:
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Istanbul, a city laying between two continents connecting Europe and Asia. Usually known for its warm climate isn’t always so warm as I visited for my first time during January and was able to see this culturally rich city during snow, rain, and sunshine. 

Little did I know what to expect from Istanbul when I purchased my ticket only three days in advance. All I knew was its geographical location, religious beliefs, and that it’s typically sunny. Sure enough the first two held true, while sun was only in my forecast one day during my spontaneous trip. I was able to see Istanbul during a snow globe anomaly during a period that has far less tourist than summer, and well if the weather was sunny and 49 like it was on my last day and was forecasted to be each day after I left. I would definitely say January is a good time to visit the many sites like: Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Galata Tower, and secret rooftops. Luckily you don’t have to experience the weather I did. You can just enjoy these photos and plan your trip during hopefully more outdoor friendly weather. 

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Grand Bazaar entrance

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View from Eminonu 

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Secret rooftop worth finding, use my GEOTAG 😉

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Another from secret location

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An Istanbul moment

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Turkish street desert

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View under the Bosphorus bridge

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Galata Tower

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Sunny view from Eminonu

Have a great time exploring Istanbul, I know I had a great time. Even during some of the coldest days of winter they have had in years.