Packing Tips for Three Day Weekend Travel Moments

My friends at hoteltonight asked me my number one travel tip when it comes to packing for a three day weekend. It’s no secret I’m an avid traveler and am constantly changing my outfit for each new wall moment I discover while traveling. 

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Sooooooo… my number one tip for packing for a three day weekend or for any trip in general is to roll your clothes. It’s something my godmother taught me the first time we went to New York City and I couldn’t fit all my clothes in my suitcase after going crazy shopping. It’s a tip she learned from her son who was in the military at the time. Rolling your clothes saves so much space! Especially in the summer when clothes is thin, light, and not so bulky.
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Though if you want to be a pro at packing, I recommend laying out all of your clothes on your bed or any large surface so you can plan out each of your outfit for your trip. This will save you so much time to when you’re on holiday. Creates ease of mind for what you’ll be wearing and helps you plan out your trip. Of course, to the best plan is not be always stick to a plan. This meaning, prepare a few fun outfits as well that are versatile and can be interchanged with your other outfits. This way you have an entire section of at least 6 or 10 outfits for one three day weekend. Sure that might sound like a lot, BUT you have to think about photos, parties, and who knows, maybe a you’ll meet a special person on your holiday that you want to dress up for. Packing more when in doubt is always my go to. Then sitting on your suitcase to make sure it closes always helps too! 😉

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As always, if you have any questions about my tips on how to pack for a three day weekend. Don’t hesitate to send me a question in the comments below or find me on Instagram @BluePerk


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