Buick Regal GS Texas Road Trip Moment

Buick provided me with a vehicle loan to test drive but all opinions are my own.

Over Easter weekend this past April, I had the pleasure of going home to visit my family in south Texas and partner with Buick to drive their 2019 Regal GS. This was the first time I got a vehicle of my own when visiting my family. Usually when I go home, depending on how long I’m visiting. I’ll just have to depend on my family to drive me around or I’ll Uber. Thanks to Buick, this trip I regained my independence and didn’t feel like a total kid again when I returned home. 

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Getting to drive drive my Dad around San Antonio where he lives and my Mom around Corpus Christi where she lives made me feel the most adult I have felt when returning home. I’m not sure how to express that feeling properly. It’s like having a vehicle of my own while returning home and not depending on my parents like they’re used to changed their perspective on me. I am 27, but I don’t feel like an “adult” at all. Age truly is a number. I definitely have life experience, but totally still feel like a big kid. Yet Buick’s Regal GS definitely gave me adulting vibes!

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My favorite part about Buick’s Regal GS during my road trip was the cruise control! The cruise control was soooooo smooth and smart too. It new when I was getting too close to a car so it would automatically slow itself down then speed back up when the vehicle moved. The speed is also projected onto the windshield so you don’t need to look down at the speedometer when driving. Also the car itself really does drive really smooth, not only when in cruise control. All the time! If I was in the market for a sexy sport car, I’d for sure consider Regal GS.  
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Plus in San Antonio and Corpus Christi I didn’t get see one other red Regal GS. So if you’re like me and you like to have a unique vehicle. Regal GS is worth testing out for yourself! 

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If you have any questions about Buick’s 2019 Regal GS or just want some recommendations in San Antonio or Corpus Christi, always feel free to leave a comment below or find me on Instagram! 🙂