Live Laugh Love Boracay Island Hopping Tour

This blog post was originally shared February of 2015:
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Being in the Philippines a country filled with more than 7,000 islands, I could not think of better way to spend an afternoon than hopping between two islands that are just a short boat ride away. Each offering something different from cave diving to cliff jumping and snorkeling in-between, an island hopping tour provided by LIVE LAUGH LOVE TOUR GROUP is a rememberable experience.

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Beyond the beautiful island of Boracay, I had so much fun exploring Crystal Cove known for it’s cave diving and Magic island known for it’s highest point of 10 meter cliff jumping (there is also another tour at Ariel’s point where you can jump from 15 meters… yup I dared to  jump 😉 and the best part is you are able to enjoy tanning on your boat road over. Plus after you explore the islands you are taken to a stunning coral reef just off of Boracay for some snorkeling. I was so surprised by how many fish there were and how close they were to me. 

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The tour in total takes about four hours and price varies on how many people you have on your tour. The boat can take up to 8 people so the more people you have the less you pay, and vice versa for the less people the more it will cost. Though you are on the island of Boracay where everyone is looking to make friends, so I am sure you will have no problem with 8 people. 

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Now incase you are afraid of heights and don’t think you can jump from 10 meters, there is always the 3 meter and 5 meter to jump from or maybe even help you build courage for the 10 meters. One helpful hint for your jump, make sure to dive straight holding your arms crossed in front of you so nothing hits the water solid. This will help for a smooth landing into the water and a much more fun enjoyable experience. 

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To book this tour or many others, head over to LIVE LAUGH LOVE TRAVEL AND TOUR or check out their FACEBOOK. I made good friends with the owner ALIYAH who is very friendly and always is a good time with many new friend incase you happen to visit Boracay alone like I did. She will help you find new friends very quickly. 

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Enjoy Boracay!