Blue Perk Refresh

This blog post was originally shared March of 2017:Thumb freddy rodriguez brooklyn
Three months into 2017 and so much in my life has changed. The most relevant is I’ve changed my Instagram handle from @FredRdgz to @BLUEPERK for proper brand alignment. I’ll also be bringing my Instagram photos to life in more long form blog posts. Because let’s be real, my INSTAGRAM doesn’t share my true life. It’s a beautiful curation of what I want you to see. 😉  

Before I dive into my current events, I’d like to share an interview for those who haven’t been following me for the past 5 years. READ HOT SOX’S Q&A INTERVIEW with me to learn more about how I started Blue Perk and what a typical day in my current life looks like.

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It’s funny when people usually ask me what’s new, for the past year I would say not much. Since my days were pretty simple where I spent Monday – Friday working a desk job by day and by night going to the gym or an event if there was time. Very routine. Though now over the past three months my life has hit the reset button pretty hard. I’ve gotten married to an amazing human being who I could not be more happy to call my husband, I’ve left my full-time job where I could not be more grateful for the experiences I had there, but was ultimately unhappy and finally I have a new apartment in Bushwick that I can call my home with my husband and our best friend.

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So let me start with getting married, since that surprised almost everyone. My husbands name is Timur, we’ve been together for 8 months and we got married at New York City’s Clerk Office on the last day of 2016. To catch you up to speed, READ THE FUN INTERVIEW I DID FOR BROWNBOY.

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He’s become my blogger husband incase you’ve wondered who has been taking my pictures recently. 99% of them are him unless credited otherwise. We had an amazing two week honeymoon in Hawaii where we visited Kauai and Oahu.

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There will be more to come in another blog post sharing all of my outfits. I had so much fun getting dressed. Tropical locations are my favorite to visit. All of the colors and prints make me so happy! Getting to spend two weeks alone with my husband was the cherry on top. We had a special time together!

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Back peddling to me leaving my full-time job. As some of you may of known, I was the Social Media Manger for JOS. A. BANK at a digital agency called THE 88 in New York for the past year. This was my first “grown up job” after only having two weeks to leave Berlin. If you can only imagine being kicked out of Berlin and returning to New York City (one of the most expensive cities) without a proper job after living in one of the least expensive capitals in the word. That was me. The 88 was an amazing opportunity during my time of crises, but after a year I realized it wasn’t for me and it was time for me to move on.

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Now let’s fast forwarding to my new home. This has been something I’ve been wanting since getting kicked out of Berlin. To be honest, I wanted to move back to Berlin so bad before meeting Timur, but love had an interesting way of coming into my life. And I believe everything happens for a reason, even if I never know why it is happening in the moment.

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Looking back beyond the past 3 months to the past 5 years of my life since starting Blue Perk, this moment in my life feels like a refresh. I’m still the same perky person who started this blog with a love for color and fashion. Only now I’m in a place where I feel like I’m building the foundation for the next chapter of my life and I could not be more excited! Hope you all stick around for the ride.

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As always, join me on INSTAGRAM: @BLUEPERK.