Blue Perk Instagram Roundup: Lisbon, Portugal

This blog post was originally shared Summer of 2015:
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On my first of four cities (Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona, and Paris) I’ll be visiting over the next three weeks (keep up via INSTAGRAM), I am finally checking out the sunny and very colorful city of Lisbon. Many have told me great things about this city, and finally I can say for myself they’re all right. 

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 invited me to Lisbon for a week to experience their hotel and to show what a lovely city Lisbon really is. Instantly upon arriving to GAT ROSSIO HOTEL and viewing the city from my BALCONY, I couldn’t wait to explore. 

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First stop was taking a HISTORIC TRAM to the top of one of the many hills in Lisbon to a really cool PARKING GARAGE ROOFTOP BAR, that actually reminds me of one called KLUNKERKRANICHalmost identical in Berlin. Getting lost through the many BEAUTIFUL STREETS was easy and to stumble upon MANY SQUARES plus COBBLE STONES STREETS is like candy to me when getting familiar with a new city.

Of course the beaches were on my mind when I thought of sunny and hot Portugal. So I visited CASCAIS and ESTORIL beach wearing some of my latest REEF SUMMER ATTIRE perfect for the absolutely refreshing Atlantic ocean water. Lets just say during the beginning of June the water isn’t exactly the warmest for long term swimming, but will sure quickly help you forget how hot you are laying on the beach. 😉

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These are just a few moment from my past days. Later this week I will have more coming from my stay at Hotel Gat Rossio, my personal guide to Lisbon, and of course some of the outfits I have been wearing. Cheers! 

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