Abandoned Berlin: Blub Swimming Pool

This blog post was originally shared Spring of 2015:
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By far one of the coolest and easiest abandoned sites in Berlin to discover, BLUB SOMMERBAD in Neukolln is awaiting photographers to reap the many photo opportunities there are around each corner. 

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I had the pleasure of exploring Blub with a couple of friends in one of my favorite casual outfits that is as comfortable as pajamas, but passes for everyday wear. A nice plus that was brought to my attention too, is if you’re a shower you will get some nice unwanted or maybe wanted attention (If you get what I mean ;). Regardless, dressing up sweat pants is always a good idea when the weather is in-between seasons as it has been in Berlin. Not cold enough for full on sweater and warm jacket, but not warm enough for shorts and only a tank-top. This is where sweats, tank-top, members only jacket, and cool slip on sneakers work together. 

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As for Blub swimming pool, there is so much to see. These photos hardly give the place justice. The lighting is just perfect. It is a great place to enjoy with friend with a beer and camera in tow. And incase you’d like to check out another abandoned spot, I can also recommend BEELITZ.

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Outfit Credits:

Jacket: Members Only/ Tank-top: American Apparel/ Pants: ASOS/ Shoes: Kenneth Cole/ Sunglasses Banana Republic/ Cuff: Giles & Brothers 

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