How to Spend 3 Days in Rome, Italy

This blog post was originally shared fall of 2014:
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What to do in Rome with only three days is tight, but with a HOTEL in the middle of everything. You can do a FOOD TOURVATICAN TOUR, and still have time to explore ancient ruins at the Colosseum and two of my favorite neighborhoods: TRASTEVERE and Monti. Plus much more! 

While I was doing my Italy trip in November visiting 5 cities: MILANFLORENCEVENICE, Rome, and then Naples. Spending three days in each city, I knew it was going to be a quick experience. Due to daylight not being on my side, and my desire to see everything. My number one tip to see the most of each city is to wake up before sunrise and go to sleep by 10pm. Though, if you aren’t exhausted from exploring all day, be my guest to visit the nightlife. I on the other hand chose waking up for sunrise, rather than staying awake until sunrise. I left those mornings for when I’m home in Berlin. 

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Roman forum

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Stunning Altare della Patria

With three days you actually can see a lot, especially if you go during summer when the light is on your side. On day one I would recommend visiting the Colosseum at sunrise before the hoards of tourist and gladiators have arrived and there is a special GLIMMER SHINNING through. If you’d like to go in, you can either book a TOUR, or I’d recommend buying your general admission ticket in advance to avoid a long queue. Afterwards you can head over the ROMAN FORUM for some of the most stunning ruins left behind. Truly breathe taking! Next up is the Altare della Patria for one of the best views over the Roman forum and filled with lots of Italy’s history. Incase you’re hungry by this point, you’re in walking distance of MONTI, a lovely neighborhood with many places to eat. I recommend starting at Piazza della Madonna dei MONTI, there are plenty of local spots and much to explore. Once you’re fueled it’s time to make your way to the beautiful and hopefully not under construction, Trevi Fountain. Around here you can enjoy a GELATO for dessert and bask in what a wonderful first day you’ve enjoyed. 

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Neighborhood of Monti

For day two if you’d like to see the Vatican I would recommend starting your day early on either a PRIVILEGED TOUR before general guests are admitted or still arriving early to get in line. As lines can get to be really long and become a waste of time if you don’t plan accordingly. No one wants to spend their precious time in Rome standing in line. If you do chose to visit, I highly recommend going to the top of St. Peter’s Basilica for one of the best views over Rome. After, you can head over to a lesser but worthy visit stop at Castel Sant’Angelo before going to Piazza Navona for food. There is a lot to see in this area such as the Pantheon, SPANISH STEPS, Piazza de Popolo for shopping plus fun locals performing for tourist, and a great spot for sunset over Rome is top of VILLA BORGHESE. Incase you aren’t too exhausted yet, for dinner you can visit the neighborhood of Trastevere. This was truly one of my favorite stops with so much to see around every corner giving a real locals feel. 

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Neighborhood of Trastevere

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Neighborhood of Esquiline 

On day three, you’ve almost seen everything except for the neighborhood of TESTACCIO and ESQUILINE. While I’ve also left out museums, this is your day to see what haven’t seen that you really wanted to and leisurely enjoy your last day. My feet were pretty exhausted by the end of my three days, but my memories were priceless. So yes prepare to put on your walking shoes, and do be careful with people trying to scam you. But most of all, have a great time in Rome!