One Month Airbnb in Barcelona

This blog post was originally shared summer of 2014:
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Welcome to sunny Barcelona, Spain. Where I will be spending the month of August exploring all of the rich history this beach city has to offer. I lucked out with finding a beautifully spacious Airbnb flat for less than half of what I was used to paying for rent in New York. Besides the four floor walk up (I’ve gotten pretty used to this now in Europe, anything below three floors I’m jumping up and down), I love my new flat. It’s located in the heart of Placa de la Universitat in a traditional Barcelona architectural style flat with four very large bedrooms and a comfortable living area. Oh, and my flatmates are pretty awesome too, they’re all architecture majors. One was even nice enough to take these outfit photos of me, and last night all of us talked European politics. Lets just say, I was highly enlightened on Spain’s government and I do NOT agree with it at all!
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Anyways, with a beach city like Barcelona, it’s of course mandatory to feel tropical when it comes to getting dressed. I have been holding out on wearing a few of my clothing pieces for the last two months until I arrived here. Honestly, I am a huge fan of tropical style and weather. If I ever end up homeless, I will be on a tropical location enjoying the beauty of life. But now I will enjoy the beauty of tropics and dressing like I should have a mojito in hand for the rest of August. 😉
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p.s. My birthday is tomorrow, and I could not be more excited to be turning 23 in such a remarkable city! Cheers to anyone else with August birthday’s, we’re a powerful zodiac sign, leo’s!

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Outfit Credits: 
Shirt: Handsome Me/ Shorts: American Eagle/ Shoes: Toms/ Watch: Daniel Wellington/ Bracelet: George Frost/ Glasses: Warby Parker

photographer: Felipe